Curriculum Vitae

Click here to view Leslie Scalapino’s CV as a pdf.


B.A. from Reed College in Literature, 1966.
M.A. in English from the University of California at Berkeley, 1969.


Woodrow Wilson Fellowship for Graduate Study, 1966.
National Endowment for the Arts grant for poetry, 1976.
National Endowment for the Arts grant for poetry, 1986.
American Book Award, Before Columbus Foundation, 1988.
Poetry Center Award, San Francisco State University, 1988.
Lawrence Lipton Prize, 1988.
Zellerbach Foundation grant for performance of Goya’s L.A., New Langton Arts in S.F. 1994.


Books of Poetry:
O and Other Poems, Sand Dollar Press, 1976.
The Woman who Could Read the Minds of Dogs, Sand Dollar Press, 1976.
Instead of an Animal, Cloud Marauder Press, 1978.
This eating and walking is associated all right, Tombouctou, 1979.
Considering how exaggerated music is, North Point Press, 1982.
that they were at the beach — aeolotropic series, North Point Press, 1985.
way, North Point Press, 1988.
Crowd and not evening or light, O Books, 1992; reprinted 2010.
La Foule et Pas Le Soir ou La Lumiere, French translation, Royaumont, 1992.
Sight, collaboration with Lyn Hejinian, Edge Books, 1999.
New Time, Wesleyan University Press, 1999.
The Tango, text and photographs by Scalapino, collaboration with artist Marina Adams, Granary Press, 2001.
It’s go in/quiet illumined grass/land, The Post-Apollo Press, 2002.
Zither & Autobiography, Wesleyan University Press, 2003.
‘Can’t’ is ‘Night’, Belladonna chapbooks, New York, 2003.
Day Ocean State of Stars’ Night, Green Integer, Los Angeles, 2007.
It’s go in horizontal/Selected poems, 1974-2006, UC Press, Berkeley, 2008.
The Animal is in the World Like Water in Water, text by Scalapino, images by Kiki Smith, Granary Books, 2010.

Books of Fiction/Inter-genre:
The Return of Painting, DIA Foundation, 1990.
The Return of Painting, The Pearl, and Orion /A Trilogy, North Point, 1991.
Defoe, Sun & Moon Press, 1995; reprint 2002.
The Front Matter, Dead Souls, Wesleyan University Press, 1996.
The Return of Painting, The Pearl, and Orion /A Trilogy, Talisman, 1997.
Orchid Jetsam, Tuumba, 2001.
Dahlia’s Iris — Secret Autobiography and Fiction, FC2, November 2003.
Floats Horse-Floats or Horse-Flow, a novel, Starcherone Press, 2010.
Dihedrons-Gazelle, Dihedrals-Zoom, The Post-Apollo Press, 2010

Books of Essays/Inter-genre:
How Phenomena Appear to Unfold, Potes & Poets Press, 1989.
Objects in the Terrifying Tense / Longing from Taking Place, Roof Books, 1994.
Green and Black, Selected Writings, Talisman Publishers, 1996.
The Public World / Syntactically Impermanence, Wesleyan University Press, 1999.
R-hu, Atelos Press, 2000.
How Phenomena Appear to Unfold, second expanded edition, Litmus Press, 2011.

Books of Plays:
Goya’s L.A., a play, Potes & Poets Press, 1994.
The Weatherman Turns Himself In, Zasterle Press, Spain 1999.
Stone Marmalade (the Dreamed Title), collaboration with Kevin Killian, Singing Horse Press, fall 1996.
The Belladonna Elders Series 1, collaboration with E. Tracy Grinnell, Belladonna Books, 2008.
Flow—Winged Crocodile 
and A Pair / Actions Are Erased / Appear, Chax Press, 2010.

“Re-Living,” Poetics Journal #4, editors Barrett Watten and Lyn Hejinian, 1984.
“Poetic Diaries,” Poetics Journal #5, editors Barrett Watten and Lyn Hejinian, 1985.
“Pattern—and the ‘simulacral’, Poetics Journal #7, editors Barrett Watten and Lyn Hejinian, 1987; An Anthology of New Poetics, edited by Christopher Beach, University of Alabama Press, 1998.
“Aaron Shurin’s Elsewhere,” Poetics Journal #8, editors Barrett Watten and Lyn Hejinian, 1989.
“Robert Duncan’s H.D.,” Talisman, editor Ed Foster, Hoboken, N.Y. 1991.
“War/Poverty/Writing,” Poetics Journal #10, editors Barrett Watten and Lyn Hejinian, 1998.
Introduction to Philip Whalen’s Overtime, Selected Poems, Penguin, 1999.
“Fiction’s Present without Basis,” Symplokē, editor Jeffrey R. Di Leo, University of Nebraska Press, 2004.
Introduction to Philip Whalen’s Collected Poems, Wesleyan University Press, 2008
“Thinking and Being/Conversion in the Language of Happily and The Border Comedy,” Edge Books collection of essays on the work of Lyn Hejinian, edited by Rod Smith and Jen Hofer, 2010.
“Disbelief,” Jacket Magazine, 2010
“The instant is the giant lamp we throw/our shadows by,” Preface to Of Indigo and Saffron, New & Selected Poems by Michael McClure, edited by Leslie Scalapino, UC Press, 2010

“they backed up the bully” and “(they) like reality as a function” in Photography and Literature, Francis Brunet, Exposures, Reaction Books, London, 2009.

“What Person?”, exchange with Ron Silliman, Poetics Journal #9
Interview with Elizabeth Frost, Contemporary Literature, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1996.
Interview with Ed Foster, Postmodern Poetry, The Talisman Interviews, Talisman, 1992.
Interview: Leslie Scalapino and Lyn Hejinian with Laura Hinton,
Interview with Anne Brewster, HOW2, 2004.
Interview with Sarah Rosenthal published on Jacket, website, 2005.
Sight, collaboration with Lyn Hejinian, Edge Books, 1999.
Artists’ collaboration with Marina Adams, The Tango, Granary Books, 2001.
‘Can’t’ is ‘Night’ text and performance with dancers: June Watanabe & Company at the Headlands and Yerba Buena in San Francisco, 2004.
Film of the poem, way: work in progress with Konrad Steiner; four parts are completed.
Artists’ collaboration with Kiki Smith, The Animal is in the World like Water in Water, Granary Books, New York, 2010.

19 New American Poets, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984.
Contemporary American Fiction, Sun & Moon Press, 1984.
The Dream Book, Italian American Women Writers, Schocken, 1985.
American Poetry Today, French translation, Delta, 1986.
Up Late: American Poetry Since 1970, 4 Walls/8 Windows, 1989.
The Before Columbus Foundation Poetry Anthology, Norton, 1992.
Under A Single Moon, Buddhism in Contemporary Poetry, Shambhala, 1992.
La Lengua Radical, Spanish translation, Gramma Poesia, 1992.
Talisman, issue on Leslie Scalapino’s writing and an interview
Talisman Collection of Interviews with Poets, editor Ed Foster, Talisman, 1993.
The Modern Poetry, Korean translation, 1993.
Postmodern American Poetry, A Norton Anthology, 1994.
From the Other Side of the Century: A New American Poetry 1960-1990: Sun & Moon Anthology, 1994.
A Poetics of Criticism, Leaves Books, 1994.
A Suite of Poetic Voices, Interviews with Contemporary Poets, Kadle Books, Spain, 1994.
Primary Trouble, an Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry, editors Leonard Schwartz et al, Talisman, Jersey City, 1996.
American Poets Say Goodbye to the 20th Century, ed. Andrei Codrescu, Four Walls/8 Windows, 1996.
The Gertrude Stein Awards in Innovative American Poetry 1994-1995, editor Douglas Messerli, Sun & Moon Press, Los Angeles, 1996.
Poems For the Millennium / The University of California Book of Modern & Postmodern Poetry, edited by Jerome Rothenberg, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998
Moving Borders / Three Decades of Innovative Writing by Women, edited by Mary Margaret Sloan, Talisman, 1998.
An Anthology of New Poetics, edited by Christopher Beach, University of Alabama Press, 1998.
What Book!? Buddha Poems from Beat to Hiphop, editor Gary Gach, Parallax Press, Berkeley, 1998.
The Body Electric, America’s Best Poetry from The American Poetry Review, editors Stephen Berg et al, Norton, New York and London, 2000.
Great American Prose Poems/From Poe to the Present, edited by David Lehman, Scribner Poetry, 2003
HOW2, editor Kate Fagan, international website, issue of essays on Leslie Scalapino’s writing, 2004.
Addison Street Anthology, edited by Robert Haas, 2005.
Biting the Error, editors Megan Adam et al, Coach House Press, Canada, 2005.
Ghosting Atoms, Poems and Reflections Sixty Years After the Bomb, edited by Olivia Friedman and Lyn Hejinian, Consortium for the Arts & Arts Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, 2005.
Anthology of American poets translated into Rumanian, 2006
Saints of Hysteria/A Half-Century of Collaborative American Poetry, edited by Denise Duhamel, Maureen Seaton & David Trinidad, Soft Skull, Brooklyn, NY, 2007.
A Community Writing Itself: Conversations with Vanguard Writers of the Bay Area, edited by Sarah Rosenthal, Dalkey Archive, Champaign, IL and London, 2010

Aerial, Symbloke, ZWISCHEN DEN ZEILEN (German translation), Acts, Poetics Journal, Boundary 2, Conjunctions, Temblor, Raddle Moon, American Poetry Review, Central Park, Avec, O’Blek, Talisman, Leaves, TO: A Journal of the Arts, Le Guepardin (French translation), Long News in the Short Century, Chelsea, Volt, Chain, Ribot, Hambone, Chicago Review, RIBOT, Rhizome, Free Verse, Shiny, Shampoo, Coconut, Bombay Gin, Detroit Dispatch, Brooklyn Rail, and many others.


CD of book-length poem, way, Kenning, Vol. 4 No. 3 Autumn/Winter 2002-2003.
CD of selected poems, ‘Can’t’ is ‘Night’ and other poems, Stem, 2004.
Pennsound Archive
Philly Sound Archive
Kootenay School of Writing Audio, 2005.


leg, performed by The Poets Theater, San Francisco and Los Angeles,1985.
Or and At Dawn, performed by The Eye and Ear Theater in New York, 1989.
Fin de Siecle, ODC Dance Company at Foot Works, San Francisco, 1990.
The Present, New Langton Arts (directed by Zack), San Francisco, 1993.
The Weatherman Turns Himself In, The Lab (directed by Zack), 1994.
Goya’s L.A., New Langton Arts (directed by Carla Harryman), 1995
Performance of New Time with June Watanabe & Company, San Francisco Zen Center, 2002.
How Phenomena Appear To Unfold/The Hind, 2002, Small Press Traffic in San Francisco, Barnard College in New York, and Stanford University.
‘Can’t’ is ‘Night’ text and performance with dancers: June Watanabe & Company at the Headlands and Yerba Buena in San Francisco, 2004.
Flow-Winged Crocodile performed by Fiona Templeton’s theater company The Relationship with dancer Molissa Fenley at Poets House and Dixon Place in New York and at ODC Theater in San Francisco, 2010


Work on material, poetry and photographs by Leslie Scalapino, San Francisco Art Institute, 1999. Marianne Boesky Gallery, curated by Charles Bernstein and Jay Saunders, New York, 2001. California Historical Society, San Francisco, Poetry Center Exhibit, 2004.


AWP in Vancouver, Canada; Kootney School of Writing, Vancouver, Canada; Mills College; State University of New York at Buffalo; University of California at Berkeley, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara; Temple University; Stanford University; Cornell University; Brown University; University of Arizona in Tucson; University of New Mexico in Albq.; DIA Foundation, Downell Library, St. Marks Poetry Project, and Ear Inn in New York City; Bard College in New York; Reed College, Portland; Texas A & M; Iowa Writers Workshop, Iowa City; Contemporary Center for the Arts in Santa Fe; George Mason University; Georgetown University; Royaumont Institute in Paris; Literarisches Colloquim Berlin; New Langton Arts, San Francisco State University, and Intersection in San Francisco; Beyond Baroque in Los Angeles; Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada; East/West series in London; Amsterdam Poetry Festival; University of New Hampshire; Occidental; Pasadena Art Center; Otis Art Institute; Wilkes Gallery, London.


New College of California, San Francisco, 1981, 1982-1983
San Francisco State University, San Francisco, fall 1983
College of Marin, Mill Valley, CA, spring 1984, 1996-1997 and 1999
University of California at San Diego, spring 1990
Humbolt State University, Arcadia, CA, summer 1991
The Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado; summer 1989, 1991, 1994, 1999, 2007
Bard College, Annandale-on Hudson, New York, MFA faculty, 1992-2008
The San Francisco Art Institute, California, one semester from 1995-2002, 2004
Mills College, Oakland, CA, summer 1991, 2001-2002, 2003
Otis Art Institute, Los Angeles, California, 2000
California College of Art, San Francisco, 2005
Mills College, Oakland, California, 2007-2009


Editor, designer, publisher of O Books since 1986, a poetry press with 73 titles, including such authors as Alice Notley, Ted Berrigan, Tom Raworth, Robert Grenier, Michael McClure, Fanny Howe, Denise Newman, Norma Cole, and Judith Goldman. I am the co-editor and publisher of Enough (with Rick London, 2003) and War and Peace 2 (2005), 3 (2007), and 4 (2009) with Judith Goldman; as well as editor of War and Peace 1 (2004), and other anthologies, such as O/ONE AN ANTHOLOGY (1991).


One of the literary executors of Philip Whalen’s estate.
A founding member of Poets In Need, a non-profit group which gives grants to poets in emergencies.


EPC: Electronic Poetry Center
UC San Diego Archive Index